“With my hand, delicately, I wipe clean her back, her base and her sides. In front of her, I feel desperate and happy.
I run my fingers over her keyboard and suddenly it all starts up. With a tinkling sound the music begins, little by little, then faster; now full speed.
Transported, immortalized, saved.
Thanks to that subtle, continuous rhythm, that music, that incessant tap-tap.”
Reinaldo, Before Night Falls



Below are collections of fiction, non-fiction and short fiction pieces published and in development.


1. Hold Me Close, Hold Me Tight

2. Evi + Jack

3. Tortured Souls | Zoetrope: All-Story

4. Streetlights, Passion & Kismet | Zoetrope: All-Story



1. Drugs Sold Separately  | Release Date 2017

2. Two by Two | Release Date 2017


1. Once Upon A Fare | Release Date 2017

2. INTIMACY – a Series of Sensual Poetry | Art Installation Gallery 104 San Clemente